Why I Decided to Open Source?

     It all started with a simple realization: some of the best things in my coding journey came from the open-source community. As a budding developer, I often found myself scouring GitHub, marveling at the vast array of projects and the generosity of people who shared their work with the world. It was through this open exchange of ideas and code that I learned, grew, and became the developer I am today.

Open source projects

A Sense of Belonging

    I remember the first time I contributed to an open-source project. I was nervous, unsure if my code would be good enough, but I went for it anyway. To my surprise, my contribution was welcomed warmly. The feeling of being part of something bigger than myself was exhilarating. This sense of belonging and collaboration was a key reason I decided to open source my projects. I wanted to recreate that welcoming environment for others, providing a platform where they could contribute, learn, and feel valued.

The Joy of Learning and Sharing

    Open source has always been a treasure trove of knowledge for me. Every project I explored taught me something new—whether it was a clever coding trick, a new technology, or a better way to structure my code. By open-sourcing my own projects, I hoped to offer that same learning experience to others. Sharing my code meant others could see how I approached problems, and in turn, I could learn from their feedback and contributions. It’s a continuous cycle of learning and teaching, which keeps the flame of curiosity burning brightly.

Building Trust Through Transparency

    In a world where so much software is hidden behind closed doors, open source stands out as a beacon of transparency. I wanted my projects to be a part of that. By putting my code out in the open, I’m saying, “Here’s how it works, here’s what it does—no secrets.” This transparency builds trust. Users and contributors can see exactly what’s going on, ensuring the software is secure and does what it promises. It’s a straightforward, honest way of working that resonates with me deeply.

The Thrill of Rapid Innovation

    One of the most exciting aspects of open source is how quickly things can evolve. When a project is open to the world, it benefits from the collective intelligence and creativity of countless developers. Bugs get squashed faster, new features are added, and improvements are made constantly. It’s like watching a tiny idea grow and transform into something amazing, fueled by the contributions and feedback of a global community. Being part of that rapid, dynamic development process is thrilling and incredibly rewarding.

Personal Growth and Community Recognition

    On a more personal note, open-sourcing my projects has been a journey of growth and discovery. It’s one thing to write code for yourself, but it’s an entirely different experience to put it out there for the world to see. It challenges you to be better, to write cleaner, more efficient code, and to think about things like documentation and usability. The feedback and recognition from the community are just the cherry on top, providing motivation and a sense of accomplishment.

Valifino: A Case Study

    A recent example of my open-source journey is the creation of Valifino, a comprehensive library of financial validators for Node.js built using TypeScript. Valifino provides a set of functions to validate various financial instruments and formats such as credit card numbers, IBANs, SWIFT/BIC codes, and more. This project is a direct result of my desire to give back to the community that has given me so much. By open-sourcing Valifino, I aim to help developers working on financial applications by providing them with reliable, easy-to-use validation tools. It's been amazing to see the positive feedback and contributions from users worldwide, further validating the decision to make it open source.


    Deciding to open source my projects wasn’t just about sharing code—it was about joining a community, fostering collaboration, and contributing to a culture of learning and transparency. It’s a decision that has enriched my life as a developer and connected me with a global network of passionate, talented individuals. And for that, I’m incredibly grateful.


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